
The exhibition A Canon of Change: How the Dutch Delta Reached 2100 was initiated by the Ministry of Modesty. However, the eight curatorial teams are responsible for selecting and describing the icons. The people involved are mentioned on their respective icon page. The “website” was designed by Hilde Segond von Banchet. The speech by Ada Novák was written by Wytske Versteeg, Peter Pelzer and Jesse Hoffman. Key input was provided by policy anthropologists with an expertise in the ‘roaring’ twenties. There also is a link with the Mixed Classroom of the Urban Futures Studio.

In crafting the website, the following historical sources were used*:

1870: Worker's districts in Amsterdam

References text:
BBC (2021). Causes of illness and disease. In Bitesize. Retrieved 10 January 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2d68mn/revision/4 

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Wilde R. (2020). A Beginner's Guide to the Industrial Revolution. In ThoughtCo. Retrieved 10 January 2021, from https://www.thoughtco.com/guide-to-the-industrial-revolution-1221914

1881: The first landline in the Netherlands

References text:
Buitelaar, E. (2021, 16 January). Opinie: Zo snel gaat Amsterdam echt niet ten onder. Retrieved from https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/opinie-zo-snel-gaat-amsterdam-echt-niet-ten-onder~ba908806/

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Library of Congress (2019, 19, November). Who is credited with inventing the telephone? Retrieved from https://www.loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/item/who-is-credited-with-inventing-the-telephone/

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References images:



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1970: The autonomous house bubble


2006: Room for the river 

Gast, M. (2006). Programmadirecteur 'Ruimte voor de Rivier' Ingwer de Boer: "Nu de kosten in de hand houden". https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/hydrotheek/1815849 

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Zeeland. (n.d.). Deltawerken. Retrieved from: https://www.zeeland.com/nl-nl/visit/wat-te-doen/bezienswaardigheden/deltawerken

2012: The Salmon of the Rhine

Froehlich-Schimtt, B. (2004). Rhine & Salmon 2020: A Programme for Migratory Fish in the Rhine System (Report). Koblenz. ICPR. https://conservationcorridor.org/cpb/Froehlich-Schmitt_2004.pdf

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Tagesanzeiger (2013, February 7). Der Lachs schwimmt wieder in der Schweiz. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wissen/natur/der-lachs-schwimmt-wieder-in-der-schweiz/story/15996839

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Umweltbundesamt. (2011). Sandoz chemical spill 25 years on: Never again a Rhine as red as blood. Press Release No. 54/2011 [Press release]. https://www.iksr.org/en/icpr/about-us/history

Villamayor-Tomas, S., Fleischman, F. D., Perez Ibarra, I., Thiel, A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2014). From Sandoz to Salmon: Conceptualizing resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed through the SES framework. International Journal of the Commons, 8(2), 361. https://doi.org/10.18352/ijc.411

2020: The Marker Wadden

References text:
Brugge, R. van der. (2009). Transition Dynamics in Social-Ecological Systems: The Case of Dutch Water Management (Proefscript Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam).

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References images:
Rijkswaterstaat, n.d. https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/water/waterbeheer/bescherming-tegen-het-water/waterkeringen/deltawerken/

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NOS, Boogaard, 2017 https://nos.nl/artikel/2161878-vier-nieuwe-eilanden-bij-marker-wadden-moerasandijvie-al-gespot.html

Natuurmonumenten/Straystone/Peter Leenen, 2019 https://www.flickr.com/photos/108580285@N07/32346006027/in/album-72157667112989078/

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Fotografie Siebe Swart, n.d. https://siebeswart.photoshelter.com/image/I0000D8.5Pc5azHw

2020: Greenhouses

Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency. (2017). The Netherlands has basically reinvented the tomato. Retrieved from https://qz.com/907971/the-netherlands-basically-reinvented-the-tomato/

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Image 6:
Bieleman, J. (2008). Boeren in Nederland. Geschiedenis van de landbouw 1500-2000.

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2035: The Marshall Islands

References text:
ABC News. (2020). Ioane Teitiota [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-21/ioane-teitiota-1/11886312?nw=0

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2040: The Community Pool Dock


2041: The Rhine Parliament

Gray, J. (2020). What if Non-Humans have a Political Voice? https://mahb.stanford.edu/blog/what-if-non-humans-had-a-political-voice/

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Warne, K. (n.d.). A Voice for Nature. Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/04/maori-river-in-new-zealand-is-a-legal-person/ 

2050: Virtual reality of 9G masts



2055: Rock in the Waves

Images created by curators

2060: Arnhem, first city to declare ecosystem-neutrality

References images:
Blivande (2020). https://forum.blivande.com/t/solarpunk-in-stockholm-solaris/1205

Starhawk (2004). https://critical-sustainabilities.ucsc.edu/utopian/5thsacredthing/

Luc Schuiten (n.d.). https://enchantedlivingmagazine.com/solarpunks-brave-and-beautiful-new-world/

Unruly things (n.d.) http://searchforjstreet.blogspot.com/2011/01/in-mood-for-bilbo-baggins-birthday-type.html

2065: The WACU

References text:
Mostert, E. (2020). Water and national identity in the Netherlands; the history of an idea. Water History, 12(3), 311–329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12685-020-00263-3

Wikipedia (2020). Flood control in the Netherlands. Retrieved from  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_control_in_the_Netherlands

References images:
Reference for the advertisement: Image based on GreaterGreenBay Habitat for Humanity. The first campaign of recruitment for the WACU

Reference for the header image: OCEANIX/BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group. The Nieuwe-Friesland city where our interview worked.

2066-2071: Emergency Flats

Images created by curators

2080: H.O.U.S.E. Farms

References text:
Cooper, A. (2017). Going up? Vertical farming in high-rises raises hopes. Pacific Standard. Retrieved from: https://psmag.com/environment/farming-in-high-rises-raises-hopes-3705

Despommier, D. (2010). The vertical farm: Feeding the world in the 21st century. Macmillan.

References images:
Despommier, D. (2009). The rise of vertical farms. Scientific American, 301(5), 80-7. 10.1038/scientificamerican1109-80. 

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Sasaki. (n.d.). Sunqiao urban agricultural district [Image]. Retrieved from: https://www.sasaki.com/projects/sunqiao-urban-agricultural-district/


This website was created by students of Utrecht University as part of the masters course 'Techniques of Futuring - A Mixed Classroom with Policymakers' and has only an educational purpose. This website contains text and images created by students interspersed with third party sources and images. Rights holders of used images can contact urbanfuturesstudio@uu.nl if they have questions or wish to object to the use of their content.

The Museum for the Future is a project created by the Urban Futures Studio
